Development and Manufacturing Project Process Development and Manufacturing Project Process 1 . Client Needs Analysis Understand specific requirements for material shape, size, and cutting details. 2 . Confirm Suitable MaterialProvide various material options to meet specific filtration needs. 3 . Sketch Design Shape Design team creates initial shape sketches based on client requirements. 4 . Sample Production Produce shape samples for client testing of material suitability and filtration effectiveness. 5 . Feedback and AdjustmentsAdjust material shape and function based on client feedback. 6 . Final Material and Shape ConfirmationConfirm final material and shape design. 7 . Determine Packaging MethodDecide on appropriate packaging method based on client needs and product characteristics. 8 . Quotation and Terms ConfirmationProvide final quotation, including material, custom shape, and packaging costs, and confirm transaction terms. 9 . Material and Packaging InspectionEnsure all production and packaging materials meet quality standards. 10 . Client Confirmation of First ProductionProduce initial piece for client’s final confirmation to ensure bulk production meets requirements. 11 . Bulk Production Conduct mass production based on client-approved initial piece. 12 . Delivery to Client Deliver final products to client on time after production completion. Are you a brand owner looking to produce fast-moving consumer goods? Are you a retailer looking to develop your own brand? Feel free to contact us, and our specialists will be in touch to assist you.